Digital Bulletin

Join us for prayer! We have several opportunities for you to join leadership and other CGNE attenders in praying for our congregation and our neighborhoods. We gather in person on the 1st Sunday of the month in the 4th and 5th grade room at 8:45 am. You can also join us on Zoom at 6 am on Wednesdays. The Zoom link is available through our weekly newsletter.

Our Justice and Reconciliation team recently met and wondered: Given the current political climate and season, what would it be good to get ahead of?" They decided to offer a weekly class where we can learn together, build relationships with leaders outside our church, and be prepared to mobilize. The class is called "Christ and the Powers". We will explore such topics as violence in our systems, How Jesus responded to oppressive systems and strategies Christians have used to work with and against political systems.

Classes will meet after church beginning Sunday September 15th and will end at 1 pm. The J&R team plans to continue to continue this class weekly on most Sundays through the end of the year so feel free to jump in and out as you are able. Those 12 and up are welcome.

Childcare is provided if you register ahead of time. Bring $5/person for Jimmy John's lunch. Register here to let us know how much food to order.

Our Marriage and Couples Ministry invites you to our ministry launch on September 27. They will meet at 6:30 pm at CGNE and will share some vision and plans for the new ministry year. Heavy appetizers will be provided.

If you would like to come join us, please register here. Childcare is closed for this event.




We invite those new to CGNE to join us after church on September 29 to hear more about our history, values and how they guide our future. We'll have a light lunch, and we offer childcare if you need it. Let us know if you are coming by sending an email to

Our next Blood Drive is schedule for October 8. Visit the Red Cross website to see the times that are available and sign-up to donate!

Updated Tithes & Offerings

Total Actual YTD (as of 8/30/24) - $459,711

Budget YTD (as of 8/30/24)- $494,267

**Stay tuned for an update from our operations team regarding our fiscal year end.

Updated September 16, 2024