In every community, there are children and families at a point of crisis, who need help. In those same communities, there are churches and people who care and want to take action. But what they need is a connection point.
CarePortal is a technology platform that connects vulnerable children and families to people who have something to give. Social workers uncover the needs.
CarePortal makes local churches aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond.
Our mission is to uniquely and deeply love orphans at home and around the world. We place a high value on going deep to change the trajectory of a child's life.
We educate on God's heart for orphans and vulnerable children, motivate individuals to get involved, and support those who do.
Areas of focus are:
1) Adoption: Get children into loving families.
2) Foster Care: Heal relationship so children have stability and hope.
3) Orphan Care: Equip partner children’s homes so children can heal and thrive.
100% of funds donated to projects and child sponsorships go directly to help children.
Equipping and empowering homeless teens and young adults to achieve stability and life transformation.
Outreach Indiana equips and empowers homeless teens and young adults to achieve stability and life transformation.
Outreach believes that true transformation occurs in the context of relationships. Building relationships help youth transform their perceptions of themselves so they can make use of opportunities available to them.
By connecting youth to services and building relationships, youth increase their social, emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual health and capacities, propelling youth towards stability and life transformation.
Matt and Heather and their family live in Southeast Asia. Matt runs a missional business that provides underserved populations with opportunities to experience better economic outcomes through entrepreneurship. Specifically, they enable migrant women around the world to become financially capable and empowered entrepreneurs.
Stop the Violence Indianapolis is a catalyst for social change – empowering people to take action within the greater Indianapolis area to ensure safety, justice, accountability and healing for people whose lives are affected by violence and poverty. With prevention, intervention, retention and recovery, we can establish a higher standard in the lives of the greater Indianapolis population and save lives.
Stop the Violence Indianapolis was created with the purpose of assisting others through education and a broader awareness of positive alternatives with the programs that we offer to reduce gun violence, gang violence, and domestic violence within the city of Indianapolis.
LTS serves 16,000 students in our neighborhood. It is a very diverse school system with no racial group making up more than 50% of the student population. 17.3 percent of students are English learners, and 83.8% are from economically disadvantaged families.
We support the Student Services program at LTS. They assist in the additional needs of families so that students can be successful at school.