Our Family of Churches: Common Ground Northeast is one congregation in a family of Common Ground churches meeting in 3 locations across Indianapolis.

Our Mission/Vision: We strive to empower people of every age, background, culture, and ethnicity to be formed into the image of Jesus and to love our neighbors in Indianapolis and around the world.

Our Core Values: These are the communal values we embrace to shape us and guide our future.

  • We are COMMON GROUND - Our name is a value and we seek to find cultural and theological Common Ground in the midst of the plurality of orthodox christian traditions.

  • We EMPOWER - We want to empower marginalized people groups and embrace the priesthood of all believers without hierarchical ecclesiological structures.

  • We are COURAGEOUS - We are a bold community that desires to step in when and where others step out and maintain a gospel driven grit to engage difficult conversations.

  • We seek JUSTICE - Rooted in the ministry of Reconciliation, we seek to engage in Gospel-driven justice for those most vulnerable in our society.


If you have questions about Common Ground Northeast, please fill out this form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!



Contact Information:

7440 Hague Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46256

(317) 537-2231