We now have a new giving option available.

If you would like to donate securities, we have a fund through the National Christian Foundation that will allow us to process the types of donations. If you are interested in learning more or in donation, please reach out to for details.


We are not giving to a church, but as a Church. Giving should be a priority for us who have received all we have from our great God.


We believe everything is a gift from the Lord because He owns the earth and everything in it.

As people who have been entrusted to steward these gifts well, we want to be cheerful givers marked by:



Sacrifice, and



Soon we have available our most recent financial information, so that you can see how the church allocates funds that are given.

In addition, we invite you to join with us in fulfilling our mission through giving online using the link below or using the offering box on Sundays. If you give online, please notice that you will need to specify which location you are donating to. 

Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel!