At Common Ground Northeast, the House Church context is one of the primary expressions of our church.

When people hear “church” they often think of a place or an event. Though participating in a corporate worship gathering is both biblical and beneficial, our ability to BE the church on Sunday is limited.

The Church of the Scriptures is a committed group of people seeking to glorify Jesus and live out his instructions in Matthew 28:18-20, to be and make disciples. We need to be together more than one gathering a week!

House churches are intended to be a “multiplying family on mission” usually comprised of 10-20 people who meet during the week in homes throughout the city.

They're intended to bring people together of diverse ages, ethnicities and backgrounds to join as a community for the purpose of spurring one another on to live out the Three Pillars of Faith:

  • Devotion

  • Community

  • Mission

In this community we:

  • worship God

  • learn from the Scriptures through Bible studies

  • lean into the guiding of the Holy Spirit

  • discover and use our spiritual gifts

  • serve one another and the world around us.

  • live on mission.

We believe that having a consistent community for encouragement, discovery, prayer and laughter is an essential aspect of our spiritual journeys.



Want to join a House Church?

We hope to guide our House Churches to become active agents of reconciliation, communities who resemble the movement of the Early Church, and to be a priesthood of all believers engaging our gifts for the Kingdom of Heaven. Becoming a “multiplying family on mission” may be a paradigm shift so we think of beginning new house churches as a process. We want to help set the culture of our House Churches and to care for them long-term by guiding them to be ESTABLISHED in community together, EQUIPPED for ministry, and fully EMPOWERED to BE the church.


First, we want all House Church participants to be galvanized in community through CGNE’s quarterly Discipleship Course first. This step is required to LAUNCH a brand new House Church with us but NOT for someone to enter into an existing HC (although we HIGHLY recommended everyone at CGNE takes it eventually).


Once the group is established in community, the next step is to equip them with our House Church Launch Training. This is a one-day training (usually Saturdays 9-Noon) that helps structure the House Church around our There Pillars and into Roles and Rhythms that help make HC’s a thriving environment for all.


Last, after the group has been ESTABLISHED in community and EQUIPPED for ministry, we consider them as a “sent out“ group to do ministry together. However, we don’t leave them to fend for themselves. We EMPOWER them by providing ongoing care/communication, accountability, resources, and strategic training.


If you do not yet want to commit to a House Church…

We understand that work, family obligations, and other issues can make it challenging to commit to a House Church.

We still want you to be a part of our community! Check out Digital Bulletin for more on our…

  • Men’s and women’s ministries

  • Bible studies and book studies

  • Couples ministries

  • Seasonal classes and training opportunities

For upcoming events and details, check out our Digital Bulletin!

House Church Leader Materials:

Email office@cgnortheast.org if you need the password!