Esther Ch. 5-6 - A Turn of Events
WEEKLY: Those in the Jewish faith say, “next to the Torah, Esther is the greatest story ever told.“ There is good reason because it tells the movement of God’s hand in the circumstances of one of the Jewish peoples’ darkest moments. Just as a deviant Persian King finds favor in a bold young Jewish woman named Hadassah (Esther), God sets the stage for one of the most magnificent rescues in history.
The tension continues to wind even tighter as Esther and Mordecai create a plan to save the Jewish people. Haman strives to claim recognition in the kingdom and the plot takes an ironic twist in favor of Mordecai.
READ: Esther chapters 5-6
Haman and Esther represents two very different characters. One is marked with selfish pursuit of power while the other uses power to help others. Which one do you tend to promote in your own life, actions, and values? How do you live it out?
Have you caught yourself in seasons wherein you are tempted to act like Haman? What were the circumstances surrounding it?
How can you cultivate a heart similar to Esther so that, when distress is present, you will maintain your integrity? What Spiritual Disciplines might you engage in order to help you out in this pursuit?
As you pray for God to reveal ways in which you have acted like Haman, do you need to repent, confess, or change something about your life? Tell your House Church or a close friend to keep you accountable to following through!