Next Generation: Growing Young
WEEKLY: God speaks through young people in profound ways. We see an example of this in Samuel. Adults may have more life experiences, yet our kids and youth still have God experiences. Our kids and youth are as vital as anyone when it comes to the Kingdom.
We need the next generation present with us. The future leaders of our society and church sit next to us every week. We hold a divine responsibility to pass along the God given gifts of life experience, wisdom, and learned lessons to the next generation coming behind us. We need to be present with the next generation.
The power of presence can change the world for anyone. It changed ours when God decided to be present with us through His son Jesus. God's redemptive plan is through humanity, people, us. No matter what stage of life we are in, we as Christians and as the Body need to own growing young for the vitality of the Kingdom and glory of God.
“The truth is, every church needs young people. Their passion enriches the soil around them. The curiosity they bring to Scripture and the authenticity they bring to relationships keep your church’s teaching fresh and fellowship fruitful.
Young people also need a thriving church. A thriving church both grounds them in community and sends them out to serve.
Your church needs young people, and they need your church. One without the other is incomplete.”
- Kara Powell
READ: 1 Samuel 3
Read Growing Young by Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, and Brad Griffin
Read Think Orange by Reggie Joiner
How does the way God used Samuel shape or challenge the way you see how God can use our kids and youth today?
In what ways has the next generation taught you about God? What has God taught you through them? How is God using the next generation currently to influence or teach you?
Who has the Spirit brought into your life to influence and be influenced by? Is there someone to whom you haven't responded, opened up to, or been present enough with (that you should)?
Where are you actively Growing Young in your life? What areas do you need to starting thinking about and taking steps toward in regards to Growing Young in faith and the church?
** While we may not agree with everything the authors/speakers say in our resources, diversity in perspectives is beneficial to growth, and we encourage an open and Spirit discerning posture while studying the Scripture and while reviewing any resource. **