9th Grade - Discover

FOCUS: Discover Identity and Relationships

ADVENTURE: CGNE Facilitated Course (4-6 weeks/Winter)

The youth and the family will be invited to take part in a course on Christian Sexuality presented by CGNE Youth Ministry. This course will explore the foundations of Biblical sexuality while also addressing a wide range of questions and topics about sexuality and identity. Access to the curriculum and additional resources will be provided.

10th Grade - Explore

FOCUS: Explore Interests, Perspectives, Gifts, Talents, 

ADVENTURE: Year of Exploration

The Family will be invited and guided to plan a Year of Exploration with their youth. This year should include exploring interests, perspectives, and perceptions of God and the youth. Explore their God-given gifts and practice learning to listen to and follow the Spirit. Invite other families and mentors into this journey with you who can help explore these perspectives, interests, gifts, and practices.

11th Grade - Empower

FOCUS: Empower Passion, Calling, Confidence, Purpose


Time to get intentional and DO with your youth! The Family will be invited and guided to help their youth sharpen their leadership skills, gifts, and abilities and learn to use them well for the Kingdom. Invite mentors who can help your youth hone their skills while discovering their passion and purpose. Jump into opportunities and projects with your youth to lead and serve to make an impact for the Kingdom.

12th Grade - Sending

FOCUS: Instill Confidence, Equipped, Ready, Supported

ADVENTURE: Sending Trip, Rite of Passage, Celebration

The Family will be invited and guided to plan a Sending Trip with their young adult as the culmination of their journey to adulthood. The trip should include a level of adventure, stretching your youth outside their comfort zone, and show they are ready for the adventure ahead. This is the time to make sure all the tools your youth needs for the real world as a young adult are packed into their suitcase for the future. We want to empower the young adult to know and share their story in God’s story and to be great stewards of what God has laid before them. The young adult, family, and mentors will be invited to a commissioning ceremony at CGNE with our church family including a celebration reception to follow.