6th Grade Initiation   

5th to 6th Grade 

FOCUS: Affirming Identity, Belonging 

ADVENTURE: 6th Grade Parent/Child Retreat

Each incoming 6th grader and their parent/guardian will be invited to an overnight retreat as an initiation into CGNE Youth Ministry and the Family Faith Journey! CGNE Youth Ministry will plan the weekend trip and resource the parents to facilitate faith foundation conversations with their youth. Our hope is to fuse a Faith Family together for the journey toward adulthood for the next 7 years.

7th Grade - Pilgrimage

FOCUS: Affirming Identity, Belonging, Journey to Adulthood 

ADVENTURE: Year-long Pilgrimage, Rite of Passage

The family will be invited to commit to a year long pilgrimage with their youth as a coming of age journey. The focus of the pilgrimage will be to identify and develop attributes of becoming a man or woman of God. Don’t do this alone! Invite other families and mentors along with you to surround the youth with a loving community of adult mentors and friends. The pilgrimage will conclude with a Rite of Passage planned by the family.

8th Grade Capstone

FOCUS: Affirming Identity, Belonging, Journey to Adulthood 

ADVENTURE: Capstone, Celebration (May)

The family will be invited to finish a Capstone together. The Capstone will look back on what the youth has learned about God and themselves through Junior High, as well as look forward to discerning God’s will for them in the next phase of life. The Capstone will conclude with a Commissioning Celebration at CGNE during service with a reception following.