Gospel Movement Part 1


As we start the sermon, let’s recap: Gospel Story: where we are now.

First, the Gospel Story Summary:

  • O - CREATION: God created the heavens and the 

  • X - REBELLION: Humanity Rebelled ushering in sin and death. He doesn’t leave them there

  • > - PROMISE: the deal made by God with Abe of covenant and Kingdom propelled God’s people toward redemption.

  • † - REDEMPTION: Jesus lived a life of redemptive love (he defines love not us) and there were requirements that had to be fulfilled in order to make the promise good

    • For many, this is where the Gospel Story stops, this is where the Gospel story comes to a stop. To some extent, I get it…

    • It seems like ALL of the prophecies, all of the focus, all of the momentum of these first few chapters has been pointing to this moment and this person - the Messiah - who has died, resurrected and so what’s next??

  • > - Another arrow? What is that...the second Promise? It is MOVEMENT. More specifically the Gospel Movement!

Two types of movement are being described with the title of this chapter. A movement can be:

  • A force or agitation that creates motion AND

  • An organized effort by a large group of people to achieve a particular goal, typically a social or political one!

Jesus’ followers can be described as BOTH OF THESE THINGS!

...and here’s the thing, some movements come and go but Jesus’ time on earth had such an impact that:

  • we still talk about Him today (even if you don’t follow) and 

  • EVERY follower in existence can trace back to (and give thanks for) the people (and events that take place) as Jesus handed off His teachings, his essence, his DNA to his followers to carry it on....how did He do it?!

Gradual Release of Responsibility Method of Teaching…

  • A particular way of teaching, structured around a process gradually removing responsibility from the teacher while increasing responsibility for the learner with the goal that they will eventually perform independently from the teacher. By design, the teacher transitions from assuming "all the responsibility for performing a task...to a situation in which the students assumes all of the responsibility". 

  • So there’s a lot of hand-holding at first until the learner is confidently able to accept responsibility on their own.

This is an intentional education model and process...BUT, we may unintentionally do similar things with our children, those who work for us, and others we might be tasked to train & teach. 

<this is a pic of my youngest 

in the lawn of our previous home> 

It was on IG and the caption said this: 

“As I was mowing, I looked behind me and saw my youngest son mimicking me with a toy. I guess more is caught than taught.” I didn’t intend to teach him this but he observed me and started to mimic… This is an informal kind of discipleship!

As we consider the relationship Jesus had with HIS followers:

  • Did Jesus use a formal processes to bring his disciples along? 

  • Did He take advantage of informal opportunities to teach? 

  • Maybe a little of both!

One ministry, called 3DM, thinks he did in a similar process as the Gradual Release Model. They call it the learning square wherein they map out the way Jesus discipled his followers.

<3DM Square PIC>

The square, as a shape, is just a pneumonic device to illustrate 4 steps which can be summarized with:

  • I do, you watch

  • I do, you help

  • You do, I help

  • You do, I cheer!

I think they are onto something with this concept and as we watch the Gospel Story change from the REDEMPTION Chapter to the MOVEMENT Chapter it’s ALL ABOUT Jesus TRANS- ITIONING RESPONSIBILITY to His disciples so THEY can operate independently without Him...to the extent that Jesus says, “PEACE” and goes to heaven!!

Let’s take a look at one of the last things we know Jesus said to His disciples 

before he left the earth! 

Turn to Matthew 28:16-20


These verses are often called “The Great Commission:” Matthew 28:16-20

16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations (ethnicities), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The Relationship Identity (Covenant) and  the responsibility of being a part of the family (Kingdom) is passed on and these 4 things a mentioned:

  1. GO 

    1. so don’t be passive or wait, move toward others (first and foremost, in YOUR own neighborhoods) 

    2.  or “in your going...”


    1. not churches but replications of Jesus’ process wherein you reproduce sons/daughters in the faith 

    2. “to all ethnicities” 

      1. which is tied to reconciliation ministry, and

      2.  mysterious unification between Jew/Non-Jews 

  3. to BAPTIZE people 

    1. Which includes turning or dying to your old selves and 

    2. initiating them publicly into the fellowship of believer and 

  4. to TEACH them to OBEY Jesus’ commands. 

    1. Learning from Jesus’ teachings

    2. Sanctification that moves us our of our old ways of life and forms us into the image of Jesus


THIS IS THE MOVEMENT (this is the 

“ > ” in our Gospel Story Chapter):

  • it’s not a church planting movement it is a discipleship movement!!

  • ...And one thing I want you to keep in mind is, EVERYONE who followed Jesus is a disciple so this is not MY task as an ordained minister or to those we traditionally have called missionaries (that’s not biblical at all!) this is YOUR task as a self-proclaimed follower of Jesus! 

  • YOU - each and every one of you - are given

Now, move over to Acts!

The book of Acts picks up right where the Gospels leave off.  In fact, it is the second volume to Luke’s first writing that we call the Gospel of Luke (Acts is literally Luke Pt. 2).

Let’ read Acts 1:1-8 which says this:

1 In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus BEGAN to DO and to TEACH 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen.

Note: Luke is passing on the stories - like a viral transmission of Jesus’ CORE DNA - with the things He (1)DID and (2)TAUGHT...but there is a missing ingredient. Verse 3

3 After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command:

“Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.

5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” 

6 Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”

7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. (They are still thinking politics...still thinking earthly power!) but watch the gift he just mentioned will energize their movement!

8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my WITNESSES…(stop really quick)

They’re going to turn into “witnesses” &

  • “witness” refers to someone who saw something so they have authority to speak about it...the things Jesus DID and TAUGHT!

  • ...but the extra ingredient is that they will do so with the Holy Spirit and the result is they are SUPER NATURALLY EMPOWERED to take what they saw and PROCLAIM IT!!

SO, IF what Luke wrote in his 1st Vol.  was “about all that Jesus BEGAN to do and teach” then THIS Volume, ACTS, is all about what JESUS CONTINUES to do and teach...but through His ambassadors, through His representatives, through His... WITNESSES. 

While Jesus is not the one physically engaging the mission, the book of Acts IS Jesus, through the disciples, continuing to be transmitted out to the world! 


  • Luke’s writing of the book of ACTS is not just a HISTORIC ACCOUNT of the early church, it is a careful selection of events giving a narrative that’s intended to be catechetical in nature!

  • It’s meant to TEACH US how we are to live in order to expand the Kingdom of God!

There is a SOLID passing of the Gospel TORCH here. They all BELIEVE (they are convinced!) Jesus is fully represented in the people Jesus commissioned on His behalf to be “empowered witnesses!”

Let’s see what happens...you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the EARTH.”

We are given insight into the trajectory of the Gospel Movement. 

  • Maybe you’ve read or heard this line before?

  • Maybe you’ve bought the idea that this was just a GENERIC description of the gradual spread of the gospel - an after-thought by the writer.

Remember Jesus spoke of these SPECIFIC places to the disciples (BEFORE ANY REAL GROUND HAD BEEN COVERED), He even told them NOT to advance before the TIME was right! (go here but NOT here...yet)


  • These are not just CASUAL mentions of areas near them, 

  • nor is it just the glib description of what happens when GOSSIP of a “rival King” nonchalantly bleeds over and into the areas around it.

The areas (J,J/S,E) are more than PASSIVE PLACE-MARKERS for the expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven, they are Strategic Missional Outposts:

  • Jerusalem (ALL JEWS)

  • Judea, Samaria (GENTILE)

  • The ends of the earth (GENTILES EVERYWHERE)

We see a brilliant combination of specific TIMES and strategic PLACES being infiltrated by the Love of Jesus! 

It is no accident that it spread so quickly, hurdled language and cultural barriers.

God devised a plan, embedded with the DNA of Jesus’ actions and teaching, then empowered it by the HOLY SPIRIT, and released it in a way that ACTIVELY CAUSED it “GO VIRAL”...but will it reach the ends of the earth?

This combination of factors ignites a gospel wildfire that spreads uncontrollably. Don’t think people didn’t try to control them…Their enemies TRIED to stop the movement!!!

  • “Ignore them and they will go away” - Gamaliel

  • “Encourage persecution with whippings and public punishment” - they are scattered but instead of losing momentum they just spread out and affect even more of the area

  • “Just kill them” Saul of Tarsus

Don’t think they didn’t try to impose their will!

  • Leave Jerusalem? Nope > HS

  • Stay in Jerusalem? Nope Persecution scatters

  • Go East? Nope

  • Go to this group? Nope > Dreams

The current of God’s mission is an unstoppable force! This is what happens...

  • Jerusalem….

    • they are supposed to stay in Jerusalem for a while, until they have been “clothed with power from on high” - the Holy Spirit’s arrival takes place and there is also STRATEGIC timing involved in this. 

    • BECAUSE, in this particular city - Jerusalem - when the HOLY SPIRIT COMES, it is the Jewish holiday of PENTECOST which serves as a SPRINGBOARD to  spread their influence throughout the city Jerusalem but also note that every Jewish persons celebrating areas.

It then moves…

  • into the countryside of Judea/Samaria

  • the coastal lands, Specifically the city of Antioch (Springboard due to trade/traffic), 

  • Asia Minor 

  • Rome

Once it hits ROME it spreads even further into all the known world...and we know it worked because “US” - because we are here, now, gathering around the teachings of Christs and trying to carry it into the nations, our neighborhoods, and next generation.

Now, before we close, turn really quick to ACTS Chapter 29 because there is one more transition that we have to see and understand...stick with me b/c you’re going to love this last bit:

  • Bible: Acts 29...where is it?

  • “I don’t see it in my bible?”

  • That’s because the next chapter is still being written:

    • It’s you, it’s me, it’s OUR story and our turn to carry the baton.

    • We are the 29th chapter of the Holy Spirit movement in God’s people

    • You see it’s our turn:

      • to make disciples

      • To Go, to baptize, to teach

Every single one of us is responsible to see to it that this mandate carries on!  Your call today is to find, Pray for, and SEEK OUT someone to disciple. 

If you have never made a disciple, then Jesus’ Great Commission did not get passed on to you. It did not get fulfilled with you!!

The FULL Discipleship of Jesus demands that you in turn, make disciples NOT ATTEND Church. SO:


1. GO: HOW do you go today?

  • You serve others and you LOVE others with the intent of putting Jesus on display

  • You embody the Kingdom in all that you do

  • You evangelize:

    • When was the last time you were a witness to the things God has done in you life??

    • This is a lost art in our generation. Pendulum Swing

    • Serving others is not enough if you want to be a part of this movement

    • Romans 10:14-15 “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”

  • If they receive the news of Jesus, let’s baptize them into the fellowship of Jesus’ Disciple Making Movement

2. Teach people to obey the commands of Jesus (open your bibles and your lives) and do what Jesus did 

<Learning Square>

  • I do you, watch

  • I do you, help

  • You do, I help

  • You do, I cheer!

  • There are lots of tools we have that can assist you in that endeavor:

  • Life Transformation Groups

  • 3DM Kairos Circle

  • Discovery Bible Study Methods

  • We have more resources than any living person that lived during the time of ACTs. Find a method, find someone you care about and make a disciple!

2000 years ago, we can look back at the beginning of a wildfire movement that turned the ENTIRE KNOWN WORLD upside down, they operated:

  • with boldness and courage 

  • With the DNA of Jesus’ teachings transmitting from disciple to disciple

  • with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT

  • We praise GOD for their faithfulness amidst persecution, without telecommunications (literally walking and taking boats from town to town)

What will the future generations say of us in the midst of the struggles of our day?

  • Would they say, “that generation was hungry for it!!”

  • Are you expectant and pursuing moments to tell people about God and to give a witness of His goodness in your life?

  • Or will they say, “they were just content to jump into the stream, into the current of God’s movement and just float.

  • The Gospel of God has a current and it’s moving with or without you!

  • I want you to know this! “The Holy Spirit is NOT content allowing those of us who follow Christ to sit back and read about the MVMNT of the first Century!! If we truly know God’s mercy, grace, and love and we TRULY joined up with Him and yoked up with Him.  The Holy Spirit comes up behind you, tap you shoulder, and say: ‘that’s THEIR move...what’s yours??’”


Go and make disciples of all people, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded you!


 (1 COR. 11:23B-26)

“The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”



We are hosting prayer team meetings for both the congregation at large and individuals to sign up for individual prayer. 


  • Coty Miller’s own “Praise & Worship” Spotify playlist and “Praise & Worship” YouTube playlist (slightly different from each other), both of diverse music that are being constantly updated!

  • Bethel Music :

    • Bethel Music’s hours of live music YouTube Playlist, also being constantly updated

    • Bethel provides chords to most (if not all) of their songs here (just have to register email, but free!) 

  • Live worship moments from the Upper Room YouTube Playlist

  • Journal writing! (I’m a writer too, so sometimes creative writing and writing my thoughts to God is my form of worship.) 

  • Declare and worship with truth by singing and praying scriptures. 

  • WORSHIP NIGHT! Dedicate a night to worship with friends and family, your house church or neighbors, those who need prayer, love worship, or just enjoy music through a video chat platform like Zoom. You can have one person leading at a time (switching off to whoever else wants to lead) while others sing along, pray, or prophesy, etc.

  • Serving your community, both online, in person, or both, is a great way to worship God, from spreading encouragement and God’s Word online to physically serving food to others. If you are able to go out and serve, click here for opportunities.


As Jesus said in John 20:21,

"Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."

Go, be the Church! 

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 
