Parents - 

Below are some resources for our children in children’s ministry. Please note that our Preschool - 3rd grade children are hearing the same story so that portion of the resources for the Sunday will be the same. The response options are different and have been created to be age appropriate. However, if you choose to reenact the story, you can have all ages participate. If you have multiple children in your family the Godly Play option for the K/1 grade room is a good option to adapt to all family members. 

For Our Younger Preschool children:

  1. Pray with your toddler. It can be something simple like - God, thank you for loving us. Thank you for all of your promises that you made and that you keep. Thank you for Jesus. Amen.

  2. Sing Happy Birthday to Jesus Our King. This song is sung to the tune of Happy Birthday. Here are the lyrics:

Happy Birthday we sing, to Jesus our King.

Whose birthday is Christmas.

Hear the happy bells ring.

  1. Watch the video above with today’s story.

  2. Today we talked about the birth of Jesus. We talked about a new start lighting up the sky. Color it here.

For Our Older Preschool Room children:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they begin. If they struggle, it can be something simple like: Thank you God for today. Thank you for all the people in the Bible. Thanks for all of your promises that you keep!

  2. Remind the children that the story they are about to watch is from the Bible.

  3. Watch the video above of our Godly Play story. 

  4. Wonder - Answer the wondering questions on the video. 

  5. Respond - We talked about the wise men and how they saw a star they had never seen before. It is important to our story. Decorate this star

  6. Sing Oh Little Town of Bethlehem.

For Our Kindergarten and 1st Grade children:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they begin. If they struggle, it can be something simple like: Thank you God for today. We thank you for the promises that you made to the People of God and to us. 

  2. Remind the children that the story they are about to watch is from the Bible.

  3. Watch the video above. 

  4. Wonder - answer the wondering questions from the video.

  5. Respond - We talked about the wise men and how they saw a star they had never seen before. It is important to our story. Decorate this star

  6. Sing Oh Little Town of Bethlehem.

For Our 2nd and 3rd grade children:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they begin. If they struggle, it can be something simple like: Thank you God for today. Thank you for sending us your Son, Jesus. Please help us make others aware of Jesus’ love for them and how He gave to save us from our sins. 

  2. Remind the children that the story they are about to watch is from the Bible.

  3. Watch the video above.

  4. Wonder about the questions in the video. 

  5. Response- Make an ornament for the three wiseman (you can make three if you want) using this template. You can punch a hole in the top and hang it with yarn, string or ribbon.

  6. Think of a Christmas Carol or Christmas song. Is there one that you know that reminds you of today? Sing it or have your parents play it on their phone for you.


For Our 4th and 5th Graders:

  1. Have your child pray.

  2. Read Matthew 2:1-12.

  3. Do you know why the wise men found the star interesting and how they caught their attention? The wise men were astronomers, so they knew a lot about stars. They knew where they were placed so when the star over Bethlehem and where Jesus was born appeared, they knew it was something different and something special.

  4. Frankincense, myrrh and gold were luxury items at the time of Jesus’ birth. 

  5. Journal: why would the wisemen bring luxury items to a baby? Do these gifts seem odd? I wonder what Mary and Jesus thought of these gifts? What give would you give Jesus?

  6. Gold represented wealth. Frankincense was used in religious ceremonies and myrrh was used in burials. Now that you know this, what do you think of these? Do you think they are symbolic at all? 

  7. Think about the best gift you have ever received. Draw a picture of it and how you reacted. 

I want to highlight some resources for you to talk to your children about race, racism and diversity.