June 12th, 2022 SUNDAY MESSAGE


Transcription Notes:

We are finishing up the series we have been working on over the last few weeks calle Many Gifts One Spirit and final section of 1 Cor. 12:10 which says…to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues.”

So today we have the task of sorting through the gift of speaking in tongues and the gift of interpreting tongues!

Really quick, before we get there, I have to make sure I fill in one gap since we didn’t have time last week. 

The gift of Discerning or Distinguishing between Spirit:

  • Jamie Winship guided us not to run from sudden feelings of fear, anxiety, or emotional responses (since we usually just want it to go away). Instead, train ourselves to stop and ask God: 

    • “What's happening in this moment?”

    • “Is there something I need to know or something you are trying to make me aware of right now?”

    • Jamie added: “its like pain on your body” - we don’t like it but it’s there to tell us something is wrong and needs attention.

Now, once again, we do not have a direct definition of the gift but this does help to give me an example of the gift and it helps to give us a way to develop it, if we had it!

Let me give some more to help fill in gaps:

  • JNT: “...the ability to tell whether a particular phenomenon is from the Spirit of God, from a person’s own spirit, or from some demonic spirit; one might call it the supernatural ability to avoid being deceived…This particular gift is often needed in order to discern whether healings, miracles and prophecies are truly from God

  • NIV APPLICATION Study says it “probably refers to the God-given ability to discern if an apparently inspired speaker is ministering by the power of the Holy Spirit or by some counterfeit power.”

So, it seems, in general, 

  • almost all agree this is not just natural discernment AND…

  • those with this gift are awakened to something going on in the Spirit Realm around us that all of us cannot see or discern naturally! 

SO, just as I’ve tried over and over to remind you that 

  • the Unseen, Immaterial, and the Spiritual is AS REAL as 

  • the seen, tangible, and material in our world,

  • People with this gift are MORE integrated and aware of the unseen.

    • They are quickly and accurately able to discern whether there is something spiritually unusual going on around us. 

For example, they may quickly and supernaturally know when…

  • A person is:

    • Well intentioned or

    • Ill intentioned or 

    • Even dangerous

  • A message is from a

    • Real prophet OR

    • False Prophet

  • A supernatural event is of 

    • Angelic empowerment OR

    • Demonic empowerment

  • A “convincing person” is saying 

    • Something True OR

    • Something False 

  • A given circumstance is:

    • Something Good OR

    • Something is Evil


EXAMPLE of Spiritual Discernment from the Bible:

  • Acts 16, Paul called out the spirit of divination in a girl who, on the surface, is saying something that seems good: “These men are servants of the Most High God and are proclaiming to you a way of salvation!”

  • Paul discerns the intentions of Simon the Magician in Acts 8.

Now, as we turn our attention to Speaking in Tongues, here is my “BIG” confession before you today: 

I have never spoken in tongues.

I have:...

  • Always been open to it for myself even though I’ve seen small abuses (it was never closed me off to it), 

  • I was reading through 1 Cor and convicted that I didn’t take this seriously enough so, 

    • I PRAYED for it 

    • one time, I even heard God say to me in prayer that he ‘wasn’t going to give me that gift because I was controversial enough as it is’ and it would hurt my witness. Maybe that season will change…who knows!

  • I have attended churches where it was happening regularly though it was never my normal diet in terms of my church experience.

  • and I have lots of friends and even was TRAINED/Discipled by people who regularly spoke in tongues:

  • Discipler Randy T. in Phoenix

  • Victory Fellowship in NOLA

  • Grace Fellowship in ATLANTA

For whatever reason, I just…have never spoken in any kind of tongues.

That being said, there is a wide variety of experiences IN THIS ROOM. We all have lenses, ideas, and ways of viewing what we read in the scripture that are SHAPED by our perspectives!

  • Lesslie Newbiggin: “We need the witness of Christians of other cultures to correct our culturally conditioned understanding of Scripture.”

  • There is a lot to learn by knowing and hearing other perspectives and seeing the “COMMON GROUND” in our midst.

  • This gift, in particular, is used to imply proof of the Holy Spirit's indwelling.

SO, some say…

  • I am saved so the Spirit is ASSUMED to be IN me but this gift no longer exists

  • The gift MIGHT exist. I have the HS because I’m saved but tongues seems questionable.

  • I am saved & have the HS but don’t have the gift of Speaking tongues b/c not all people do.

  • Tongues are proof of the HS (second baptism). If you don’t speak in tongues you MIGHT be saved but you don’t have the HS.

  • Tongues are proof of HS and salvation. If you don’t speak in tongues, you aren’t saved.


So, LOTS of perspectives but what does the bible say?! Open up to Acts 2 & we will cover verses 1-12…


Acts 2:1-12 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be TONGUES OF FIRE that separated and came to rest on each of them.4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in OTHER TONGUES as the Spirit enabled them.

5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. (WHY? Because it’s Pentecost and there’s a festival happening!) 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. 7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? 9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontusand Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”

What an incredible moment! 

Definition is implied here and in other places! It’s the supernatural ability to “speak in a language you have not learned.”

  • Just to reiterate, I believe when it comes to these gifts:

  • ALL CAN do these things BUT NOT everyone DOES do all of these things AND SOME have been given a GIFT to do them in a special measure!

One commentary, True to Our Native Land says: “Paul closes the discussion of spiritual gifts with a number of important questions, all designed to level the field regarding spiritual gifts: “Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess the gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?” (12:29, 30)...What is clear is that he expects them to say, “We are not all apostles, we are not all prophets, we are not all teachers, we are not all workers of miracles.…”   

  • So, again, we would not hold to the idea that one must speak in tongues for proof of salvation or proof of the Holy Spirits presence in your life because the scriptures different people have differents gifts.

With that said, there are about THREE different KINDS of tongues we see taught in the bible (let me list them and then we will break them down a bit)...

  1. Supernaturallly speaking in ordinary human languages other than those known.

    • Isn’t this just good at learning languages? Generous interpretation but unlikely.

  2. The supernatural ability to speak in a personal (and possibly “angelic”) prayer language.

  3. The supernatural ability to speak in an interpretable tongue for public exhortation for the community of believers (1 Cor. 14).

    • We will tag on to this one the second gift mentioned in our text which is Interpretation - the supernatural ability to interpret the tongue being spoken.

Let’s look a little closer at each of these gifts and then talk about how we might:

  • See this in our lives

  • engage them as a church in our gatherings as a body of culturally mixed believers…

FIRST, The supernatural ability to speak in human languages that you did not already know.

  • This seems to be what’s happening in Acts 2.  

  • Who is this for? Spread of the Gospel! Other:

    • Tell the story of Victoria teaching in Spanish…

SECOND, the supernatural ability to speak in a personal or private (and possibly “angelic”) prayer language.

  • Described as an edification of the person speaking or singing in their spirit as an overflow of prayer, praise, worship, and Thanksgiving (1 Cor 14)

    • Often described as praying in english and it just begins to take over.

    • From testimonials, sometimes people know what they are saying and other times they don’t because it is a “mystery” from 1 Cor. 14.

    • It may also be an overflow of intercession. Romans 8:26-27 says: “26In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words. 27And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”

  • What about an angelic tongues?

    • One pastor said, “in brazil they speak portuguese, in spain, they speak spanish, in Russia they speak Russian, some speak Malay, Punjabi, Greek, German, Turkish, Arabic, French, and Hebrew in their respective locations, and in Heaven, God and the Angels speak a heavenly language.” 

    • Another commentary said: “This is the tongue Angels speak in heaven – remember we will be LIKE the Angels in heaven (Mk 12:25, Mt 22:30) thus speaking in Angelic tongues is a shadow/taste of heaven on earth.

THIRD, the supernatural ability to speak in an interpretable tongue.

  • human language or other is not necessarily specified.

  • Does it NEED an interpretation? Let’s see what the scripture says?

1 Cor. 14:6-12 says: 

“6 Now, brothers and sisters, if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction? 7 Even in the case of lifeless things that make sounds, such as the pipe or harp, how will anyone know what tune is being played unless there is a distinction in the notes? 8 Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle? 9 So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air. 10 Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning. 11 If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker is a foreigner to me. 12 So it is with you. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church.”

…later it adds, how can we “say ‘Amen’ to your thanksgiving, since they do not know what you are saying?”

So, do we NEED it? 

  • Well, if you want it to edify others, especially in a gathering wherein you are speaking to other people, we should.

  • So we TAG onto this one the gift of interpretation which is a supernatural ability to interpret the tongue being spoken so that it benefits the group for public exhortation for the community of believers

    • SO, some have a gift that affirms the tongue and tells us what it means.

    • Randy asked me: “What do you do if someone has a tongue, is obedient to speak it, then the interpreter doesn’t have th courage to give their part…they just leave the tongue speaker out to dry!!

NOW, how do we engage this as a church in our gatherings as a body of culturally mixed believers??

But, let’s talk about what I mean by “Culturally Mixed Believers.” 

  • Define it: There are multiple people in this room who have been formed in cultures that are different from you (who? YOU). 

  • Explain it: Cultural navigation usually surfaces something…those who are typically used to having their norms centered rarely have to step outside their comfort zone so they do not develop a robust capability to operate in, navigate through, or put up with discomfort, unfamiliar situations, etc. and uncomfortable gets moralized/spiritualized and turns from “I am uncomfortable” to “you must be wrong.”

  • Illustrate it: Conni from Ethnos 360 cooking with Indian women.

    • How much are you putting in?

    • Measure? etc.

SO, there are those in this room who…

  • Have never spoken in tongues and feel uncomfortable.

  • There are some who speak in tongues normally and you may be here to teach us but be kind. Be respectful of your neighbor.

  • Maybe, instead of JUDGING each other, exchange numbers and go get coffee together and listen to the witness that God has given each of you and LEARN from one another!!

I mentioned I don’t have this gift but Ken and the Healing Place church regularly spoke in tongues so I want to BRING KEN UP FOR a quick INTERVIEW:

  • When you speak in tongues, whats happening?

  • There seems to be a feeling that can be attached to it, what is that feeling?

This series was meant to be a springboard NOT an endcap. We want this to be a catalyst for stirring a new expectation for what God may do in our midst, to make room for those in our midst that are operating powerfully in their gifts, and to fan a flame for those who have not discovered their spiritual gifts so that, TOGHETER, we are walking in unity and collective fire for God in devotion, for each other in community, and for others in mission!


One last thing I want to do with this lesson is tie it into the broader Gospel Story because languages are personal and intimate and reach into the identity of peoples. They are often connected to, and representative OF different ethnicities. There is something deeply intimate about languages (greeting a refugee in their own language) - if you follow the Broader Arc Narrative of the Gospel Story, languages are a huge part of story wherein: 

  • The Tower of Babel we see a rebellious people scattered/separated by confounding languages

  • Moving forward, language barriers create division - and even antagonisms - between nations and ethnicities

    • They can create barriers too (language barriers). 

  • God uses languages to bring unity in one spirit and speak evangelize to others

  • This thread is left as a loose-end but gets tied together in the Revelations verse that we quote ALL THE TIME: Rev. 7:9 “there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language,standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”

As we close, we want to capture the original intent of Paul who desired these gifts to bring unity not division, oneness not separation, and I believe it has the power to do so today. 

Let’s not just talk about this, let’s practice it, expect more in our gatherings, and do the stuff that Jesus and His followers did and the scriptures described!!


 (1 COR. 11:23B-26)

“The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”



We are hosting prayer team meetings for both the congregation at large and individuals to sign up for individual prayer. 


  • “Praise & Worship” Spotify playlist and “Praise & Worship” YouTube playlist (slightly different from each other), both of diverse music that are being constantly updated!

  • Bethel Music :

    • Bethel Music’s hours of live music YouTube Playlist, also being constantly updated

    • Bethel provides chords to most (if not all) of their songs here (just have to register email, but free!)

  • Live worship moments from the Upper Room YouTube Playlist

  • Journal writing! (I’m a writer too, so sometimes creative writing and writing my thoughts to God is my form of worship.) 

  • Declare and worship with truth by singing and praying scriptures. 

  • WORSHIP NIGHT! Dedicate a night to worship with friends and family, your house church or neighbors, those who need prayer, love worship, or just enjoy music through a video chat platform like Zoom. You can have one person leading at a time (switching off to whoever else wants to lead) while others sing along, pray, or prophesy, etc.

  • Serving your community, both online, in person, or both, is a great way to worship God, from spreading encouragement and God’s Word online to physically serving food to others. If you are able to go out and serve, click here for opportunities.


As Jesus said in John 20:21,

"Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."

Go, be the Church! 

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 
