JUNE 28, 2020 - CGYOUTH

WEEK OF JUNE 28, 2020:

The Point: God changes us by bringing us into fellowship with Him and with His people.

Starter (Ask):

  • Name a time where you felt most alone. This could be a time when you felt no one understood your situation or your point of view. May this was a time when you felt you had no friends you could trust. 

  • Describe that situation and write down how you felt, what was going through your head, what do you remember? What were the most difficult things of being alone?

(Bring that photo to the next Zoom call! We want to see them!!!)

Just like changes occur in our personalities and style as we grow up, God continues to change us beginning the moment we trust Jesus with our life. In Christ, we are new creations - new creations who are constantly being made more and more into the likeness of our Creator.

Read: Romans 12:9-18, 1 Corinthians 1:9, Philippians 1:3-7

  • Fellowship with Christ

  • Fellowship with Others

  • Common Mission

From Slaves to Sons, From Suffering to Glory, From Death to Life 


  • Describe a time when you felt like you were in true community with people. Does fellowship with Christ look like this? What is similar? What is different?

  • How does the scripture affect the way you see your small group, youth group, House Church, Common Ground?


Journal 1


ASK: Do you see your relationship with God as “payback” to Him for what He’s done for you? Is that a good way to see it? 


Reflect: What do you observe about this scripture?

Journal 2

HEART - Read…

  • How do you think  living for Jesus can create humility and confidence at the same time? 

  • Paul describes a life in Christ as worship. What do you think this means? How does this change the way you think of worship? 

  • How can thinking about your daily life as worship change the way you see each day?


Reflect: What do you observe about this scripture?

Journal 3

HANDS - Read…

  • What do scriptures say about viewing difficulties and struggles? How does this differ from how the world might see difficulties and struggles?

  • What are difficult things in your life RIGHT NOW that you can face by focusing on Jesus and His love for you? 


Reflect: What do you observe about this scripture?


If you missed the interview with Pastor John Girton on going from a Moment to a Movement, PLEASE make time to watch it together! It’s powerful. 

I've heard from many of you desiring resources to talk with their youth about systemic racism and getting involved. Here are some places to start: 

1. This is an image (White Privilege/Supremacy Image link) to help identify different types of racism. I found this a very helpful tool when having conversations.

2. This is a short video describing Systemic Racism. Here is a recent video that describes the History of Systemic Racism in our country in 17 minutes. 

3. A book written for teens and young adults called Stamped by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi with Jason Reynolds. This is a remix of his national best seller written for teens and young adults.  

4. Here is an article about being Allies with our black brothers and sisters.

5. Movies to Watch: 

7. Songs to Listen to: 

8. Albums: 

  • Crooked by Propoganda 

8. Podcasts

Here is a document outlining many great resources to consider.