JUNE 7, 2020 - CGKIDS

Parents - 

Below are some resources for our children in children’s ministry. Please note that our Preschool - 3rd grade children are hearing the same story so that portion of the resources for the Sunday will be the same. The response options are different and have been created to be age appropriate. However, if you choose to reenact the story, you can have all ages participate. If you have multiple children in your family the Godly Play option for the K/1 grade room is a good option to adapt to all family members. 

I want to highlight some resources for you to talk to your children about race, racism and diversity. 

  • This book comes in a kid version and then also has a parent companion book if you are interested.  

  • This book explores how God made us all different.

  • Parent Cue article - Raising Kids who will initiate racial equality

For Our Toddler children:

  1. Pray with your toddler. It can be something simple like - God we thank you for today. Thank you for Jesus and we thank you that He loves each of us. Thank you for changing Paul’s life!

  2. Sing He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

  3. Watch the video above with today’s story. 

  4. Today we talked about Creation and how God created many different things that were different colors. Have your child color with his/her favorite color.

For Our Preschool Room children:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they begin. If they struggle, it can be something simple like: Thank you God for today. We thank you for how the Bible teaches us about Jesus and You!

  2. Remind the children that the story they are about to watch is from the Bible.

  3. Watch the video above of our Godly Play story. 

  4. Wonder - Have your child wonder what was his/her favorite part of the story. 

  5. Respond to the story - If you have cotton balls at home, have your children glue the cotton balls onto paper and recreate the sheep in the story.

  6. Sing with Mr. Larry and Ms. Gayle’s video. 

For Our Kindergarten and 1st Grade children:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they begin. If they struggle, it can be something simple like: Thank you God for today. We thank you that your Son died for us and that we get to know Him and follow Him. Amen.

  2. Remind the children that the story they are about to watch is from the Bible.

  3. Watch the video above. 

  4. Have you child wonder: where have they seen the juice and bread before? I wonder what it represents? 

  5.  The story talks about "the people of the world come to this table." It is a good opportunity for us to open the door on talking about diversity. We all look different - people have different skin tones and different cultural beliefs but we are all God's children and are all loved by Him. Many different people from across the world love and follow Jesus. 

  6. Respond to the story - If you have cotton balls at home, have your children glue the cotton balls onto paper and recreate the sheep in the story. They can create the other details as they are able: the sheepfold, the Good Shepherd, the table, etc.

  7. Sing with Mr. Larry and Ms. Gayle’s video or sing Who You Say I Am.

For Our 2nd and 3rd grade children:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they begin. If they struggle, it can be something simple like: Thank you God for today. Thank you for sending us your Son, Jesus. Please help us make others aware of Jesus’ love for them and how He gave to save us from our sins. 

  2. Remind the children that the story they are about to watch is from the Bible.

  3. Watch the video above.

  4. Respond - If you have cotton balls at home, have your children glue the cotton balls onto paper and recreate the sheep in the story. They can create the other details as they are able: the sheepfold, the Good Shepherd, the table, etc.

  5. Read today’s story in the Bible. Today’s story is actually connecting and combining a couple of stories! - Psalm 23; Matthew 26:27-30; John 10:14-18

  6. Sing Who You Say I Am

For Our 4th and 5th Graders:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they start.

  2. Read 1 Peter 1:8-9. Write down the verse on a piece of paper. Re-read this verse from your paper and circle all the nouns. Underline any of the nouns that you can’t see. 

  3. What nouns have you circled but aren’t underlined? You can’t see Jesus and you can’t see salvation. You really see the joy from knowing Jesus but you know it is true and you can feel it!

  4. What do you feel when you think about the love and joy that Jesus brings?

  5. Read Romans 10:10 and try to write it down using emojis. Were you able to come up with an emoji for trusting Jesus? We can’t see our trust in Jesus but we can believe it in our heart and tell others about it with our mouth and through our actions.


  • Check out YouVersion on how to adjust kids to a new “normal.”

  • My friend and Midtown CGer has updated her website with parenting resources for mental, emotional and spiritual health of your children during these crazy times.

  • The CDC has a whole page dedicated to children and COVID-19. There are more multiple links to additional resources on things you may be wondering about, including keeping them physically healthy and dealing with stress.