Kingdom Culture- CG YOUTH - Week 2

Before you dive in, watch and listen to...

Bible Project - Matthew 1 - 14

BEMA Podcast

  1. The Text

  2. Matthew

This Week’s Study

Week 2 (Sept. 19): Matthew 3-4

Additional Verses: Isaiah 40:3; Deut. 6:6, 6:13, 8:3; Psalm 91:11-12; Isaiah 9:1-2; 


  1. Give a brief overview of the story you are reading. Who’s involved, what’s happening?

  2. What made you go “What?”, “Whoa!”, or “Wow!” in the text? Describe why.

  3. Describe your impression of John the Baptist. What was different about him? Why do you think that’s important? 

  4. Describe in your own words the three ways Jesus was tempted in the desert. What would these temptations look like today? 

  5. What does this text reveal about God’s Kingdom Culture? 

Podcast: Matthew Marathon Episode 3 and 4

kingdom cultureKatie Erickson