MAY 2, 2021 - CGKIDS


Parents - 

Below are some resources for our children in children’s ministry. Please note that our Older Preschoolers - 3rd grade children are hearing the same story so that portion of the resources for the Sunday will be the same. The response options are different and have been created to be age appropriate. However, if you choose to reenact the story, you can have all ages participate. If you have multiple children in your family the Godly Play option for the K/1 grade room is a good option to adapt to all family members. 

For Our Younger Preschool children:

  1. Pray for your toddler. It can be something simple like - God we thank you for today. Thank you for Jesus and we thank you that He is everywhere. He loves me and all my friends!

  2. Sing Jesus Loves Me

  3. Watch the video above with today’s story. 

  4. Have your child color this coloring page.

For Our Preschool Room children:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they begin. If they struggle, it can be something simple like: Thank you God for today. We thank you for each of the stories you share with us from the Bible. Keep us safe and healthy.

  2. Remind the children that the story they are about to watch is from the Bible.

  3. Watch the video above of our Godly Play story. 

  4. Wonder - Have your child wonder what was his/her favorite part of the story. I will mention in the video but will go on to some other questions for the older grades. 

  5. Respond to the story - Net full of fish - You will need the following:

    1. Paper plate

    2. Blue paint, blue marker or blue crayon

    3. Construction paper 

    4. Black yard or black string and tape.. If you don’t have these use plastic wrap. 

  6. Directions: Color the paper plate blue to represent water. Cut out fish from the construction paper. You can find a small template online for the type of fish you desire. Place the fish on the plate and place black string/yarn over it going horizontally and vertically to make a net. Tape the edges underneath the plate. If you don’t have black yard or string, wrap in plastic wrap to trap the fish like a net. 

For Our Kindergarten and 1st Grade children:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they begin. If they struggle, it can be something simple like: Thank you God for today. We thank you that your Son died for us and that we get to know Him and follow Him. Amen.

  2. Remind the children that the story they are about to watch is from the Bible.

  3. Watch the video above.

  4. Respond to the story - Net full of fish - You will need the following:

    1. Paper plate

    2. Blue paint, blue marker or blue crayon

    3. Construction paper 

    4. Black yard or black string and tape.. If you don’t have these use plastic wrap. 

  5. Directions: Color the paper plate blue to represent water. Cut out fish from the construction paper. You can find a small template online for the type of fish you desire. Place the fish on the plate and place black string/yarn over it going horizontally and vertically to make a net. Tape the edges underneath the plate. If you don’t have black yard or string, wrap in plastic wrap to trap the fish like a net.

  6. Sing This I Believe.

For Our 2nd and 3rd grade children:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they begin. If they struggle, it can be something simple like: Thank you God for today. We thank you that your Son died for us and that we get to know Him and follow Him. Amen.

  2. Remind the children that the story they are about to watch is from the Bible.

  3. Watch the video above.

  4. Respond to the story by drawing or painting a scene of having Breakfast with Jesus. What if you had been with Peter that morning? I envision the kids drawing themselves and their friends or family at the breakfast. :)

  5. Read John’s account of today’s story in John 21:1-23

  6. Sing This I Believe.

For Our 4th and 5th Graders:

  1. Have your child say a prayer before they start.

  2. Read the following verses: Mark 3:13-19; Luke 9:51-56; Luke 9:49-50; Matthew 20:20-28.

  3. From each set of verses, write down something that you learn about John. 

  4. Sing This I Believe.

I want to highlight some resources for you to talk to your children about race, racism and diversity.