Children's ministry is provided on Sunday during our 10 am worship gatherings for children newborn - 5th grade. 

As a whole, every activity and lesson is designed to foster in children a deep understanding of a few simple points:

  • They belong to God and His community

  • They are invited to grow to be more like Jesus

  • They can respond to the Holy Spirit’s leadings to serve others



When you arrive on Sunday you’ll find the following classes for your children from newborn to preschool age:


Children grades K - 5 attend the beginning of the worship gathering and are then invited to join our children’s ministry for age appropriate teaching in the following classes:

Click on the following links to learn more about Godly Play and Renovare.

Following the worship gathering, we ask that you go to your child’s classroom to talk with your child’s teacher and pick-up your child.



We want children to:

  • Understand themselves and how they relate to God

  • Learn the particulars of who God is and how He works actively in relationship

  • Learn about Jesus, who He is and how to be more like Him

  • Learn how to live for God in this world, empowered by the Holy Spirit

This happens through:

  • Experience/Formation lessons are experience-based in order to better form hearts, not just inform minds.

  • Guidance - Teachers are encouraged to facilitate spiritual conversations, allowing kids to ask questions to further growth in their faith. Parents are encouraged to talk with teachers before or after class about how their child is responding to the content – socially, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, etc.

  • Response - Each week after teaching/discussing the Bible lesson, there is a response time to act out /work out what they have learned. The medium varies from week to week (writing, art, worship, silence, conversation, prayer, etc.).



We ask that parents keep children out of children’s ministry who exhibit any of the following symptoms:

  • Any degree of fever within the last 24 hours

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Questionable body rash

  • Severe coughing

  • Eye discharge

  • Yellowish skin or eyes

  • Any communicable disease/lice

  • Green or yellow runny nose

  • Sore throat with fever and swollen glands

  • They have been on prescribed medication for an illness for less than 48 hours

For the protection of all involved, if a child exhibits these symptoms during their time in our care, parents will be asked to remove their child from the classroom.


Please contact Jody Lukowiak (Children's Ministry Director) at jody@cgnortheast.org if you have questions regarding our illness policy.