These last six months have been difficult in unimaginable ways for everyone. Even with all the time at home, it can be harder than ever to set aside time for God. The best way to increase what you’re getting out of at-home worship is to create a special space for it. It’s frustratingly easy to get distracted from God when surrounded by devices, food, and tasks that need to be completed. 


Don’t be afraid to emulate much of what you would see if you were in person! Set aside a bowl for your offerings, place the communion elements on a different table, even display objects such as a cross or flowers. We all have a certain mindset when walking in the Church building, and hopefully that can be replicated with similar surroundings.


Of course, one of the wonders of quarantine life is getting to spend all day in your pajamas. However, getting dressed in the morning can make something feel like more of an event, as worshiping God should be.


There are discussion questions embedded in each sermon, and a longer guide on our website. Being an active participant goes a long way towards actually retaining what you hear in the service! Going even further, don’t be afraid to call your friends after the service! Whether you’re just catching up or reviewing what you’ve just heard, it’s a way to preserve the awesome community of Common Ground!

Joining a house church, starting a devotional, or even beginning to read the Bible in a year are all ways to continue to grow spiritually outside of normal services. When participating in any of these, the above tips still apply. Creating a special spot, getting out of pjs, and engaging yourself are ways to make sure “God time” is not a chore nor filled with distractions, as it never should be. Don’t be discouraged if you are struggling to feel as connected to God while at home 24/7. It’s a difficult transition to be more personally accountable! Remember that the whole congregation is in this together, and the staff at CGNE are all devoted to helping during any quarantine slump.

-Lucy Neal

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