It has been one of the craziest and unpredictable years ever. One constant we can rely on this holiday season is we can still take time to prepare for Jesus’ birth. We do this through the season the Church calls Advent. This year, Advent begins on Sunday, November 29, and Advent always ends on Christmas Eve.

For followers of Jesus, the Christmas season is traditionally referred to as Advent. Advent is a season where we celebrate the birth of Jesus and anticipate His return.

The Advent season is a time for us to join with other churches to wait for the arrival of Jesus and celebrate His birth. We join those not only in our city but in our state, country and across the world. It is great way for us to feel connected in times that can feel disconnected. It also provides us a change of pace. Advent is a time for us to stop, slow down and take our focus off busyness that the Christmas season can bring. We have so many things fighting for our attention, especially this year. It is sometimes easy for the Christmas story to get lost. Advent is a beautiful season to practice waiting and longing.

We have a couple of practical ways for you, your family and/or your house church to engage during the Advent season. They are included in this year's PDF guide! 

Katie Erickson