PHILIPPIANS 3 : 12-4:1

The church in Philippians was started by Paul. He was given a dream in the night by God that told him to help the people in their region.  Paul's new church plant loved him and helped him as he continued to spread God's word. Jailed for preaching the Gospel, He wrote a letter to the Philippian church to encourage them, challenge them, and urge them to lay down their lives for the cause of Christ.


  1. What is Paul referencing when he says “Not that I have already obtained all this”?

  2. How do you think we press on towards the goal? What are some specific things we do?

  3. Do we sometimes reach some level of maturity and think we’ve arrived at the top? Is this a problem?

  4. What messages in our world encourage us to treat our desires as the real god? What are the consequences?

  5. How would citizens of heaven live differently from that? What do you do with those desires?

  6. What do you suppose a transformed body will be like?

  7. Talk with God about our desires and ask Him to show you which to pursue and which to let go of so that we can live more like a citizen of heaven this week!

Connection (within a House Church):

  • In your group, discuss how pressing on toward the goal is like a team sport.

Memory Verse of the Week:

Did a particular verse make you think? Write it down and memorize it!

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Katie Erickson