Posts tagged Jeff Krajewski
Our Lives with God

If the story of the Resurrection is true, then many other things are true about our lives and the relationships we have - with God, with one another, and with our neighbors. As we continue to focus on our three pillars of Community, Mission, and Devotion, let these talks help you understand the way CG Northeast approaches the Throne, the Church, and the World.

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An Introduction to Lent

It's not attractive to most people, or most churches, to acknowledge the weight of sin in ourselves and our systems. But as followers of Jesus, we pay attention to the brokenness of our world - and look to the ways Jesus interacts with people in a simple way, around a table, to find refuge and guidance.

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A Diligent Farmer

The parables of Jesus in Matthew 13 can easily cause us to feel unsettled, because they don't always fit into our idea of the Kingdom of God looks like. As you pay attention to these Kingdom Stories, allow your notions about the Kingdom of God to be challenged and shaped by the words of Jesus.

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