Kingdom Culture- CG YOUTH - Week 6

Before you dive in, watch and listen to...

Bible Project - Matthew 1 - 14

BEMA Podcast

  1. The Text

  2. Matthew

This Week’s Study

Week 6 (Oct. 17): Matthew 11-12

Additional Verses: Malachi 3:1, 4:5; 1 Sam. 21:1-6; Num. 28:9-10; Isaiah 42:1-3; Jonah; 1 Kings 10:1 


  1. Give a brief overview of the story you are reading. Who’s involved, what’s happening?

  2. What made you go “What?”, “Whoa!”, or “Wow!” in the text? Describe why.

  3. We learn something significant about Jesus and his relationship with God in this section. Can you find it? 

  4. There are many more interactions between Jesus and the Pharisees and religious elite in this section. What do you notice about their interactions? 

  5. Jesus redefines family in this section. What does this mean for how we definite family? 

  6. What does this text reveal about God’s Kingdom Culture? 

Podcast: Matthew Marathon 18 - 20