Kingdom Culture- CG YOUTH - Week 7

Before you dive in, watch and listen to...

Bible Project - Matthew 1 - 14

BEMA Podcast

  1. The Text

  2. Matthew

This Week’s Study

Week 7 (Oct. 24): Matthew 13

Additional Verses: Isaiah 6:9-10; Psalm 78:2


  1. Give a brief overview of the story you are reading. Who’s involved, what’s happening?

  2. What made you go “What?”, “Whoa!”, or “Wow!” in the text? Describe why.

  3. Jesus speaks in parables during this section. Define Parable in your own words and describe why you think Jesus spoke in this way. 

  4. Make a list of the parables Jesus shared in this section. For each parable, write what you think the main point of the parable is. Use this exercise to help you answer the next question.

  5. What does this text reveal about God’s Kingdom Culture? 

Podcast: Matthew Marathon 21

First Half Review

  1. Go back and look at all the answers you have given for the question “What does this text reveal about God’s Kingdom Culture?” What do you think Jesus has revealed about God’s Kingdom Culture up to this point? 

  2. How does God’s Kingdom Culture agree or contradict the culture we see today? 

  3. What aspects of God’s Kingdom Culture do we see present in our own lives? 

  4. What are at least three ways we can begin to apply and live into God’s Kingdom Culture?